
January 2020 – October 2020

Nulli-Fi is a practical null steering system for mmWave LAN networks. I helped a Master’s candidate by creating and maintaining a Python package for testing and analyzing different algorithms for nullifying interference in mmWave phased arrays. I designed a GUI using PySide2 to streamline the simulation process and create a visualizer for performance tests.

The project source code is available publicly on this GitLab repository.

ONR (Optical Note Recognition)

September 2015 - June 2016

I was inspired to start working on ONR after having trouble with sight-reading in playing the piano. I was looking for something similar to OCR but for musical sheets to help me read the notes quickly and easily. The result was ONR, a MATLAB-based project to extract musical information from an image of a music sheet. The final edition of our program was able to identify staff lines, the Treble and Bass clefs, measures, and notes themselves (but not their duration). We had several limitation in the image processing section, such as identifying rests, time signatures, note durations.